Protected: Maven How To Create A New Maven Project in Eclipse Estimated reading: 3 minutes 105 views When working with automation testing frameworks like Selenium, TestNG, or JUnit, Maven can greatly simplify the management of test dependencies, execution of test cases, and integration with CI tools like Jenkins. By automating these processes, Maven allows teams to maintain consistent testing environments, reduce human error, and speed up the development lifecycle.This guide will walk you through the process of installing Maven on your Mac, enabling you to streamline your automation testing setup and enhance your development workflow.Creating A New Maven Project Open Eclipse IDE: Launch Eclipse IDE on your computer. Click on File in the top menu. Select New from the dropdown menu. Click on Other... to open the wizard window.Select Maven Project In the wizard window, scroll down to find the Maven folder. Expand the Maven folder. Select Maven Project. Click Next.Configure Project Location In the New Maven Project window, you can choose to create a simple project (skip archetype selection) or leave it unchecked to select an archetype. You can also check the option Use default Workspace location or specify a custom location. Click Next.Select An ArchetypeIf you didn’t select to create a simple project, you will be prompted to select an archetype. An archetype is a template for generating a project.By default, maven-archetype-quickstart is a good choice for a simple Java project.Select the archetype maven-archetype-quickstart.Click Next.Define Project PropertiesFill in the Group Id. This is the unique identifier for your project’s group, usually in the form of a domain name (e.g., com.example).Fill in the Artifact Id. This is the name of the jar without version, usually the project’s name.Fill in the Version. The version of the project (e.g., 1.0-SNAPSHOT).Optionally, fill in the Package (e.g., By default, it uses the group ID.Click Finish.Project StructureEclipse will create the Maven project structure in your workspace. The typical structure includes:src/main/java for your Java source files.src/test/java for your test Java files.pom.xml for your Maven Project Object Model configuration file.Add Dependencies to pom.xml fileOpen the pom.xml file to add dependencies, plugins, and other configurations as needed for your project.ConclusionInstalling Maven on your Mac is a straightforward process that brings powerful automation capabilities to your development environment. Whether you’re managing complex automation testing projects or integrating with CI/CD pipelines, Maven is an invaluable tool that enhances efficiency and consistency across your projects. Protected: Maven - Previous Protected: Introduction to Maven Next - Protected: Maven Protected: Configuring Maven for Automated Testing