Android Studio Automating UI Tests on Android Emulators Estimated reading: 4 minutes 379 views Building on our knowledge of ADB, this guide focuses on automating UI tests on Android emulators. Automated UI tests ensure that your application’s user interface behaves as expected across different scenarios and devices.Why Automate UI Tests?Automated UI tests save time and resources by running tests that simulate user interactions. They help identify bugs and inconsistencies in the UI, providing a reliable way to maintain high-quality applications.Setting Up Espresso for UI TestingAdd DependenciesYou need to add Espresso and other related dependencies in your build.gradle file of your Android app module (app/build.gradle).android/app/build.gradle defaultConfig { testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" }Create a Test Class In src/androidTest/java and call it MainActivityTest.This test will ensure that the app is launched and ready for interaction. The test method will simulate a user clicking the plus button and verifies the resulting UI state.MainActivityTest.class@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) @LargeTest public class MainActivityTest {@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class): This annotation tells JUnit to run the test class using the AndroidJUnit4 test runner. This runner provides compatibility with Android components and manages the test lifecycle.@LargeTest: This annotation classifies the test as a “large” test. Large tests typically involve integration testing, where multiple components of the application are tested together.MainActivity.class@Rule public ActivityScenarioRule<MainActivity> activityRule = new ActivityScenarioRule<>(MainActivity.class); @Rule public DisableAnimationsRule disableAnimationsRule = new DisableAnimationsRule();@Rule: Rules in JUnit are used to add or extend the behavior of each test method in a test class. They provide additional functionality before and after each test is run.ActivityScenarioRule<MainActivity> activityRule: This rule launches the specified activity (MainActivity in this case) before each test and closes it after each test. It provides a simplified way to test activities. The ActivityScenarioRule starts and stops the activity and also ensures that the activity is running before the test begins.DisableAnimationsRule disableAnimationsRule: This custom rule is used to disable system animations during the test run. Animations can interfere with Espresso tests by causing unexpected delays or timing issues, so disabling them ensures more consistent test results.MainActivity.class@Test public void testClickPlusButton() throws InterruptedException { // Click the plus button to open the AddEditTaskActivity onView(withId(; // Verify that the AddEditTaskActivity is displayed by checking for the presence of the title EditText onView(withId(""))); }@Test: This annotation indicates that the following method is a test method. JUnit will execute this method as a test case.public void testClickPlusButton(): This is the test method. The method name typically describes what is being tested. In this case, it tests the behavior of clicking the plus button.onView(withId(;: This line uses Espresso to interact with the UI. It finds a view with the ID fab which is the floating action button in this app and performs a click action on it. Espresso’s onView method is used to find views in the current activity’s layout, and perform is used to execute actions on those views.onView(withId("")));: This line verifies that a view with the ID titleEditText is displayed and that its text is empty. This check is used to confirm that the AddEditTaskActivity is displayed by looking for the presence of an empty title EditText. The check method is used to perform assertions on views, and matches verifies that the view’s state matches the specified condition. Since this is a ToDo app, let’s enhance the test suite by adding two more critical scenarios: one for adding a task and another for deleting a task. These scenarios will ensure that the core functionalities of creating and removing tasks are working as expected.MainActivity.class@Test public void testAddTask() throws InterruptedException { // Click the plus button to open the AddEditTaskActivity onView(withId(; // Enter text into the title and description fields and close the keyboard onView(withId( .perform(typeText("New Task Title"), closeSoftKeyboard()); onView(withId( .perform(typeText("New Task Description"), closeSoftKeyboard()); // Click the save button onView(withId(; // Verify that the new task is displayed onView(withText(endsWith("New Task Title"))) .check(matches(isDisplayed())); } @Test public void testDeleteTask() throws InterruptedException { // Delete the task onView(withId(; Thread.sleep(2000); // Verify that the task is deleted by checking that the item is not in the list onView(withText(endsWith("Task to Delete"))).check(doesNotExist()); Thread.sleep(2000); }Running UI TestsClick on the green play icon next to the class definition to run all tests in the class. Alternatively, click on the green play icon next to individual test methods to run specific tests. Running Android UI TestViewing Test Results Once the tests start running, the Run window will display the progress and results. The Run window shows which tests passed or failed, along with detailed logs and stack traces for any failures.Analyze Test Results Green checkmarks indicate passed tests. Red X marks indicate failed tests, with details about the failure. Yellow warning signs indicate ignored or skipped tests. Reviewing Expresso Test ResultsConclusionAutomating UI tests with Espresso provides a robust way to ensure your app’s user interface functions correctly. Next, we’ll explore performance testing on Android emulators, which is vital for optimizing your app’s performance. Proceed to Performance Testing on Android Emulators for more information.Tagged:Android Studio Android Studio - Previous Using ADB with Android Emulators Next - Android Studio Performance Testing on Android Emulators