Appium Capturing Screenshots and Logs In Appium Estimated reading: 3 minutes 245 views Capturing screenshots and logs during your tests is crucial for diagnosing issues, verifying UI elements, and ensuring your app behaves as expected. Screenshots provide visual evidence, while logs offer detailed information about the app’s behavior, network requests, errors, and more.Create New Utils ClassLet’s begin by creating a new Utils class, which will be instrumental in managing your screenshot captures and logging methods. To start, navigate to your project and create a new class within the com.helpers package, or alternatively, any directory that suits your organizational preferences. Creating A New Utils ClassUtils.classpackage com.helpers; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogEntry; import; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogEntries; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LogType;Capturing ScreenshotsTo capture screenshots in Appium using Java, you can use the getScreenshotAs method. Utils.classpublic class Utils { public static void captureScreenshot(WebDriver driver, String fileName) { File srcFile = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); try { FileHandler.copy(srcFile, new File("./target/screenshots/" + fileName + ".png")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } It’s important to organize your project structure effectively. To achieve this, we’ll create a dedicated /screenshots directory within the target folder of your project. This organization ensures that all screenshots are stored in a centralized location, making them easy to locate and manage. Creating A New Screenshots Directory For instance, when you capture a screenshot during the automation process, you can save it in this newly created directory. To maintain clarity and avoid confusion, it's essential to give each screenshot file a descriptive name. In this particular example, we will name the screenshot file add_new_task_screen.In this particular example, we will name the screenshot file add_new_task_screen. This naming convention not only helps in identifying the context of the screenshot quickly but also enhances the overall readability and maintainability of your test reports.Call this method in your test script where you want to capture the screenshot: Test: clickingAddTaskButton()@Test public void clickingAddTaskButton() throws InterruptedException { // Add test case scenario here WebElement addTaskButton = driver.findElement("com.example.todoapp:id/fab"));; // quick debug wait for 2 seconds Thread.sleep(2000); WebElement addTaskTitle = driver.findElement("com.example.todoapp:id/titleEditText")); Assert.assertTrue(addTaskTitle.isDisplayed(), "User is on the Add Task Details Screen"); Utils.captureScreenshot(driver, "add_new_task_screen"); driver.navigate().back(); Thread.sleep(1000); }When executing your script in Appium, the captured screenshot is stored in the /target/screenshot/ directory. To view the newly captured screenshot, you will need to refresh your project. Once refreshed, the file named add_new_task_screen will appear in the screenshots directory. This step is crucial for verifying that your automation scripts are correctly capturing the visual output you expect. GIF: Reviewing Screenshot Image After Executing TestCapturing LogsTo capture logs in Appium using Java, you can use the getLog method. Here’s how:Test: captureLogs()public static void captureLogs(WebDriver driver) { LogEntries logEntries = driver.manage().logs().get(LogType.BROWSER); for (LogEntry entry : logEntries) { System.out.println(entry.getMessage()); } }Call this method in your test script to capture and print the logs: JavaUtils.captureLogs(driver);Troubleshooting Permission Issues: Ensure your script has write permissions to the directory where screenshots and logs are saved. Driver Compatibility: Make sure the Appium driver versions are compatible with your testing framework and mobile OS. Error Handling: Implement error handling in your scripts to manage exceptions during screenshot or log capture.Best Practices Organize Screenshots: Save screenshots with meaningful names and organize them in folders based on test cases or test runs. Log Levels: Use different log levels (e.g. INFO, DEBUG, ERROR) to filter logs effectively. Automate Log Analysis: Consider automating log analysis to highlight errors or warnings. Periodic Captures: Capture screenshots and logs periodically during long test runs to monitor app behavior over time.ConclusionBy now, you should know how to capture screenshots and logs during your Appium test executions. This knowledge will significantly enhance your ability to debug and report on your tests. Continue honing your skills and exploring more advanced topics in Appium and QA testing. Happy testing!Tagged:Appium Appium - Previous Automating Gesture Actions in Appium