Cypress Using Advanced Cypress Assertions Estimated reading: 4 minutes 136 views In this advanced assertion guide, we delve into various Cypress commands and their functionalities, focusing on enhancing your testing strategy and ensuring your web application is robust and reliable. These commands, including .next(), .eq(), .include(), .within(), .and(), .then(), and others, provide nuanced control over test scenarios, making them indispensable for comprehensive testing.Understanding Cypress AssertionsThe .next() command in Cypress is used to select the next sibling DOM element within a parent element. This command is particularly useful when you need to perform assertions on elements that are dynamically generated or are sequentially placed in the DOM. For example, if you want to test the navigation menu items in a sequence, you can use .next() to move from one item to the'.menu-item') .first() .next() .should('have.text', 'About Us'); This snippet selects the first menu item and asserts that the next sibling has the text About Us, helping ensure the navigation menu is correctly ordered.The .eq() command is another powerful tool in Cypress, used to select an element at a specific index. This is extremely useful for assertions where elements are identical in structure but differ in content or position. For instance, if you’re testing a list of products, you can use .eq() to assert specific properties of each product. .eq()cy.get('.product-item') .eq(2).should('contain', 'Laptop'); In this assertion, Cypress selects the third product item (index:2) and checks if it contains the text Laptop which helps verify the correct rendering of products.The .include() assertion checks if a given string or element contains a specific substring or child element. This is essential for validating partial matches in text or the presence of specific elements within a container. For example, you might want to ensure that a promotional banner includes the keyword Discount. .include()cy.get('.banner') .should('include.text', 'Discount'); This code ensures that the banner element has the word Discount, confirming the presence of expected promotional content.Enhancing Test Coverage with .within() and .and()The .within() command allows you to scope your assertions to a specific portion of the DOM. This is particularly valuable when you have a complex structure with repeated classes or IDs, as it enables precise targeting of elements within a specified container. For example, if you want to validate form fields within a login form, .within() helps isolate the form and perform checks without interference from other elements..within()cy.get('.login-form').within(() => { cy.get('input[name="username"]').type('testuser'); cy.get('input[name="password"]').type('password123'); });In this example, Cypress limits the scope to the .login-form container, ensuring that only the form fields inside it are interacted with, enhancing test reliability.The .and() command chains multiple assertions together, allowing for concise and readable test scripts. When you want to verify multiple properties of an element, .and() provides a clean way to do so in a single command..and()cy.get('.notification') .should('be.visible') .and('contain', 'Success'); This snippet checks that a notification is visible and contains the word Success effectively combining two assertions in a streamlined manner.Leveraging .then() for Synchronous TestingCypress’s .then() command is crucial for handling asynchronous operations and chaining commands in a synchronous manner. This is especially useful when you need to perform complex operations that depend on the results of previous commands. For instance, if you want to fetch data from an API and then validate the response within the test, .then() allows you to manage this flow seamlessly..then()cy.request('GET', '/api/products').then((response) => { expect(response.status).to.eq(200); expect(response.body).to.have.length.greaterThan(0); }); In this example, Cypress sends a GET request to the /api/products endpoint and then uses .then() to assert that the response status is 200 and that the response body contains more than zero products, ensuring the API’s correctness.Building Reliable Tests with CypressCombining these advanced Cypress commands allows developers to create robust and reliable tests that cover a wide range of scenarios, from simple UI checks to complex user flows. Utilizing .next(), .eq(), .include(), .within(), .and(), and .then() helps ensure your application behaves as expected under various conditions, enhancing test coverage and confidence in the application’s stability.ConclusionMastering these commands enables testers to write thorough, maintainable, and efficient Cypress tests for various applications, from single-page to e-commerce platforms. These assertions offer the flexibility to simulate real-world user interactions, ensuring higher-quality web applications and an improved user experience. In the next guide, we will explore Writing API Tests in Cypress.Tagged:Cypress Cypress - Previous Connecting Cypress Project to Cypress Cloud Next - Cypress Writing API Tests in Cypress